The State Attorney
We institute and defend legal actions on behalf of the Minister of Police, MEC of Heath and other StateDepartments. We have defended the Minister of Police in considerable number of claims for unlawfularrest and detention with success.
We have also defended police officers and other state employees in various criminal proceedingsincluding but not limited to charges pertaining to assault and reckless and negligent driving and have
achieved considerable success in the bulk of the matters we dealt with.
Steve Tshwete Housing Association
We are on the panel of attorneys of Steve Tshwete Housing Association, the biggest housingassociation in Mpumalanga. We give legal advice and services in respect of various aspects of theirbusiness including but not limited to drafting of contracts and instituting legal proceedings for debtcollection and evictions. In 2003 we attached assets of more than 60 tenants of Chroomville Flats at
the same time and recovered unpaid rent with success.
Victor Khanye Local Municipality
We are on the panel of attorneys of Victor Khanye Local Municipality. We provide a myriad of legalservices to Victor Khanye Local Municipality including but not limited to defending and instituting legalproceedings on their behalf and giving them legal advice on various legal matters.
Steve Tshwete Local Municipality
We are on the panel of attorneys of Steve Tshwete Local Municipality. We provide a myriad of legalservices to Victor Khanye Local Municipality including but not limited to defending and instituting legalproceedings on their behalf and giving them legal advice on various legal matters.